Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

165: 4 Questions that Open Up Possibility (#3 of 3 in Staying Sane In An Insane World)



In the third part of our series on Staying Sane in an Insane World, we activate one of the most subtle but absolutely potent powers we have ... the power of inquiry and contemplation.  We are trained in our over culture to value and work with questions and answers to drive to a conclusion, usually as fast as possible. "Time is money." And we are imprinted with a value system that says we must have the answer, if we don't we risk looking a fool, being called out or being discounted.  But operating this way - in a mindset about quick answers vs. contemplation and consideration... in a world that values confidence over curiosity.... keeps us stuck in the consciousness and realities that don't work for us individually or collectively. Unhealthy, insane ways of working, relating and living. In a wiser, healthy culture, one that values the feminine, we practice the art of inquiry and contemplation to open up possibility and to gain clarity.    For this session of Feminine Power Time I chose 4 inquiries that I use o