Why Not Sports W/d. Murph

S10 5 Years STRONG!!



Murph & Big Roy are BACK! This is the 1st episode of season 10 where they spoke on what they have been up to the last few months, the NFL Hall of Fame ceremony, some baseball and some key moves in the NBA. What did Murph tell his Pops that he had to repeat on this episode? Did Big Roy invite Murph to workout? Tune In! A few bloopers from this podcast: Murph stuttered a few times (mispronounciating words) Big Roy struggled naming this baseball player The fellas struggled on the total games from the Finals Follow Big Roy: Twitter: @roboi_25 Instagram: @roboi_25 Follow Murph: Twitter: @ItsDMurph Instagram: @ItsDMurph Follow Why Not Sports: Instagram: @WhyNotSports_ www.dmurphspeaks.com