Frontera Podcast

Puente_Frontera Webinar



The following is a summary of the main talking points: 1:53 What are the major issues blocking Argentina from reaching a solution with creditors? 5:07 How large is the total payment that the country will have to make to settle with the so-called ‘vulture funds’. 7:01 At what rates do you believe the market will absorb the initial issuance of the expected $12 billion debt issuance? 10:10 What are currently the biggest worries for potential investors? Is it the fiscal deficit (currently 7.6% of GDP), or the government’s ability to make payments due on April 14? 14:01 Which subsidies have the government recently removed? How has the population responded to the 300-400% price increases? Are the rumors about pending reductions in VAT and income tax true? 19:14 Argentina has been internationally criticized for publishing false economic statistics in previous years. Do institutional investors believe that reporting integrity has been restored? 25:25 Argentina has the lowest investment to GDP ratio in