Joyous - A Seaside Center, Rev. Christian Sorensen Podcast

09-08-19 Healing Through Learning


Synopsis Healing Through Learning is the message today from Dr. Rev. Christian Sorensen on this Sunday September 8th episode - affirming I am open to God’s grand and glorious ways! And today we welcomed back the heartfelt performance of Arnáe Batson who can be found on Facebook here. Dr. Christian’s Corner I missed you guys. Did you even notice I was gone? I trust you enjoyed a couple of wonderful speakers in Rev. Brian Anderson and Rev. Catherine Bonin. The class season is upon us! Hard to believe we are winding down on summer and embracing the back to school energy. Ernest Holmes would say that Religious Science is a teaching philosophy. It has always been about healing from the day of its conception. If you’ve ever wondered how to take these Spiritual Principles and apply them in your life to heal or enhance any particular area, then get enrolled in one of our classes. It all begins with the Foundations Class where I’ll be sharing with you, on Tuesday evenings, the 10 Core Concepts of our teac