Talking Tv With Ryan And Ryan

Episode 140: Peaky Parks



Mo and Ryan celebrate their five-year podcast anniversary with one of their longest shows to date. The "Parks and Rec" section alone is longer than most traditional episodes, but it's one of the best segments in the podcast's history, according to Ryan, who may be biased. 0:00 - 20:49: SNL 40 20:49 - 37:51: Peaky Blinders 37:51: 50:16: The Last Man On Earth 50:16: - 1:03:47: Agent Carter 1:03:47 - End: Parks and Recreation Be sure to subscribe to the new feed for the podcast here if you like to listen on iTunes. You'll see plenty of ways in each post to stream or download MP3s if you hate iTunes. You can also subscribe on Stitcher if you like. Also, we have an email for the podcast now! Click here to email us questions for future podcasts.