Talking Tv With Ryan And Ryan

Episode 215: Talking 'The Leftovers' With the HBO Drama's Creative Team at the ATX Television Festival



Hi there, it's Mo here with a really special treat. In June, I moderated a panel on the HBO drama "The Leftovers" at the ATX Television Festival in Austin. It was a few days after the show's series finale aired, and on the panel were executive producer Damon Lindelof, executive producer (and author of the novel "The Leftovers") Tom Perrotta, and executive producer/director Mimi Leder. At the start of the conversation, I handed out tissues to all the panelists, because I was fairly sure most of us were going to cry at some point. Many did, but before and after those moments, we talked about the show in depth, and it was life-affirming to hear these creative and thoughtful people talk about the themes of "The Leftovers" and the choices they made and why this amazing program ended the way it did. Near the end, Lindelof made me cry in a way I totally did not see coming (which seems like a very "Leftovers"-ian thing to do, and that moment also has to do with this essay). By the way, if you're a "Leftovers complet