Teen Esteem Council Podcast

Keep Yourself Safe On The Internet



<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> According to the oft-cited Youth Internet Safety Survey from 2001, whose respondents consisted of 1,500 teenagers, approximately one in five American teenagers have been sexually solicited online.1 We were very pleased to be able to have Lezlee Bylund join us on this episode of the Teen Esteem Council Podcast. Lezlee is the Utah Net Smartz Outreach Director. She has tons of information about how to keep yourself safe on the internet. In the podcast we discuss topics such as: Red Flags to look for when talking to someone online Common internet predator behavior How predators can get you hooked in. Lezlee also shared this website with us that you can use if you or someone you know has been solicited or bullied on line. The website is www.cybertipline.com 1. David Finkelhor, Kimberly J. Mitchell, and Janis Wolak, Online Victimization: A Report on the Nation’s Youth (Alexandria, VA: National Center for Missing and Exp