Martini Mortgage Podcast

2 Factors To Keep Top of Mind



Kevin Martini is not just a podcaster…he is the host of the Martini Mortgage Podcast.  In addition, he is the Branch Manager and Senior Mortgage Strategist with the Martini Mortgage Group at Benchmark Mortgage…in this episode, Kevin Martini discusses 2 Factors To Keep On The Mind When Buying A Home.  I know, there are a ton of factors however after you have made the decision that you want to buy a home and you have decided where you want to live the 2 factors that you have to keep top of mind are mortgage interest rates and home inventory. Episode 034 of the Martini Mortgage Podcast will go into detail on these 2 very important factors that one needs to keep top of mind: Mortgage Interest Rates & Home Inventories. Not only does Kevin Martini share these 2 factors in audio form…he also shares them in the written words. Be sure to check out the 2 page article on this topic starting on page 5 of the Kevin Martini Winter 2019 Homebuyer Guide called: Things to Consider When Buying a Home. If you are currently