Happy Healthy Hormones With Dr. Chris

80: Dr. Gordon Pedersen: The Healing Powers of Silver



In this episode, Dr. Chris and Dr. Pedersen discuss the amazing benefits of silver and how this ancient practice is revolutionizing how we look at our immune systems. They also discuss how silver is challenging the status quo in the world of antibiotics and their harmful effects.   Dr. Gordon Pedersen is one of the worlds most educated and experienced doctors. He is board certified in Anti-Aging Medicine, with a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, and Ph.D. degrees in Immunology and Medical Biology from the Toxicology program at Utah State University and a Master’s Degree in Cardiac Rehabilitation and Wellness. Dr. Pedersen has formulated hundreds of products and is the best-selling author of several books.  He is the Medical Director of The Silver Health Institute, and is considered to be the leading authority on medicinal uses of Silver.  He has personally funded efforts to bring silver’s benefits into Africa’s poorest communities with dramatic results including his published cure for malaria. https://www.