Happy Healthy Hormones With Dr. Chris

109: How to create a chemical-free body with Tim James



In today's episode Dr. Chris interviews the Health Hero, AKA Tim James, on how to best create a chemical-free body through daily habits and explains that by using these core foundations he was able to not only get his health back but was able to see his best friend become cancer-free through using these principles. Tim is one of those guys that will leave you feeling younger and more energetic just by hearing him speak. His passion flows out of him like a fresh waterfall in a dry desert. He’s turning 48 but feels like he’s 18 (with more energy!) What’s his secret? After suffering from multiple health issues, including rectal bleeding, two separate skin issues, chronic acid indigestion and surgery to remove one of his organs due to serious digestive issues, Tim knew something had to change. But it was only after watching his closest ones die of cancer and the untimely death of his younger brother that he finally decided to take action. Tim’s journey led him to a shocking discovery which helped his friend beat