Lawyers Gone Ethical

Wrapping Up the End of the Year in a Powerful Way [LGE 039]



As 2018 comes to a close, I thought it would be fun and useful to discuss some things you can be doing right now to end the year on a high note and best prepare yourself and your law practice for the new year.   Some things to do at the end of the year: Review your state’s ethics rules Check your local major bar association's opinions or articles regarding new state ethics rules and proposed opinions Pay attention to even the smallest of changes in the ethics rules because they could have a profound effect when put into practice Audit your law practice’s weaknesses because those might be ethical problems Ask yourself what you want 2019 to look like? Set your goals for the year, and don’t forget to dream big! Remember to reflect on the year that was and celebrate your wins Resources Mentioned: The Benefits of Preemptively Auditing Your Law Practice Management with Jared Correi episode Growing Your Practice Through Digital Information Products with Jess Birken episode Thank you for listening! Don’t forget to