Lawyers Gone Ethical

What to Do When Your Competition Seems Out to Get You [LGE 043]



Do you ever think about your competition? As much as we'd all like to think we're not interested in checking out the competition, we can’t help but wonder if someone else in a similar space as us might be coming for our clients and market share. That’s normal. In this episode, I share my thoughts on what you can be doing to better handle a competitor who might affect your business in some way. What I Share in This Episode: why you should just keep doing what you’re doing Don’t change your strategy simply because you noticed your competition had a specific strategy that seems to be working If you’re going to emulate something your competition is doing, always check to make sure it’s ethical first Why it’s important to check your state’s ethics rules when implementing a new strategy in your practice Why your approach to business development and marketing is different than your competitions’ so don’t try to act like anyone else If you witness your competitor committing an ethical violation, do you have a duty t