Lawyers Gone Ethical

California Leading Change - ATILS Public Comment is Coming [LGE 068]



As California's Task Force on Access Through Innovation of Legal Services makes its recommendations and the Board of Trustees puts them out for public comment, the country is watching closely.  Every lawyers, member of the public, and consumer of legal services (i.e., everyone) needs to pay attention.  Today's episode gives an overview of the proposals and calls for widespread public comment. Proposed regulatory changes include: - Abolishing Rule 5.4 fee sharing prohibition - Loosening Rule 5.4 and allowing non-lawyers to share in fees - Allowing entities owned in part or in full by non-lawyers to offer legal services - Regulating legal tech companies as providers of legal services And more.   These notes will be updated to provide links to public comment.  For now, the agenda for the Board of Trustees upcoming meeting and the recommendations to be considered can be found here: BOT Meeting Agenda Recommendations from ATILS   Thanks for listening! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the show to receive every new epis