Mary's Nutrition Show

Look Better: Can You Feed Your Skin Food?



All about skin nutrition! How to prevent aging skin, acne, and eczema with food.   Episode includes: - How your skin refects inner health - Food to make your skin look better - How to prevent aging skin - Help your acne - Nutrition for eczema - PLUS: The Weekly Nutritional Challenge!   Mary Purdy, MS, RDN, dishes out easy-to-digest info, tips, and advice about nutrition & lifestyle, backed by over 10 years of clinical experience and a healthy sense of humor. Join the weekly conversation!   Audio recorded from a live video broadcast taped: June 20, 2017   Find out about the video broadcast:   Subscribe & Review on iTunes:   Mary Purdy is a Registered Dietitian with a Masters in Clinical Nutrition from Bastyr University. Past experience: Private practice (8 yrs), Adjunct professor at Bastyr University, Clinical Supervisor at Bastyr Center for Natural Health. Mary