Mary's Nutrition Show

How To Live To Be 100: The Secret Nutritional Hill of Beans - 008



Mary spills the beans about the benefits of legumes, pulses, and beans.   A hill of nutrition information, including: - The benefits of beans - Magnesium, potassium, antioxidants - Fiber-rich food! - Good source of protein - Blue Zone communities - How to get more beans in your diet - Different varieties of beans - Various bean dishes & interesting variations to try - PLUS: The Weekly Nutritional Challenge!   Mary Purdy, MS, RDN, dishes out easy-to-digest info, tips, and advice about nutrition & lifestyle, backed by over 10 years of clinical experience and a healthy sense of humor. Join the weekly conversation!   Audio recorded from a live video broadcast taped: July 3, 2017   Find out about the video broadcast:   Subscribe & Review on iTunes:   Mary Purdy is a Registered Dietitian with a Masters in Clinical Nutrition from Bastyr University. Past experience: