Mary's Nutrition Show

5 Crafty Ways to Squeeze Veggies into Meals - 033



We all know that veggies are important for human health, but we aren't always able to get enough vegetables into our daily diets. Mary has a bunch of helpful ideas about how to do just that. PLUS: The Weekly Nutrition Challenge! Episode Includes: Reminder about WHY veggies are important for health. Veggie possibilities for adding to breakfast eggs. Possible vegetable additions for sandwiches. Do you like dips? Here are ideas for getting more veggies into dips. How to add veggies into apple pie. Veggie ideas for the meat & potato types. The Weekly Nutrition Challenge!  Mary Purdy, MS, RDN, dishes out easy-to-digest info, tips, and advice about nutrition & lifestyle, backed by over 10 years of clinical experience and a healthy sense of humor. Join the weekly conversation! Episodes come out weekly on Thursdays. Find out about the show: Subscribe & Review on iTunes/Podcasts App: