Mary's Nutrition Show

How to Curb Sugar Cravings - 49



"Why do I crave sugar?" Is this you? Humans are wired to love sweets, but you probably know that refined sugar is not so good for health. Understanding your cravings can be a great first step in making changes. Join host Mary Purdy RD, as she explores the possible reasons you're dipping into the candy/chip drawer, and provides easy tips that can help you out today. PLUS: The Weekly Nutrition Challenge! SHOW NOTES Why Do I Crave Sugar? How humans are naturally wired to enjoy sweets Sweets and Dopamine Refined Sugar and Sugar Nutrition What is refined sugar? Why can high amounts of refined sugar intake be a problem? What is the relationship with weight gain and sugar? Nutritional value of sugar What are the Causes of Sugar Cravings? Lack of balance in meals Skipping meals & emotions Cycle of refined flour and simple carbs Alternatives to Refined Sugar The best natural sweeteners Naturally sweet foods Healthy sweets, like dates and sweet potatoes Tips for Helping Cravings The merits of bitter foods Addicted