Mary's Nutrition Show

How to Lose Weight: Lessons from Latin America - 54



What weight loss and diet insights might Latin America inspire? Weight loss expert, Fulbright scholar, and author Dan Fenyvesi, MS, RD spills the beans. PLUS: A Book Give-Away! How Do Simple Meals Help You Lose Weight? What are simple foods that can help? The value of basic ingredients What Does “Structure is Meaning” Mean? What are the thermic effects of food? And their ramifications? What is the thermic effects of starch from corn vs. rice? Digestive track relationship to thermic effects How to Lose Weight… with Cabbage? Ideas for preparing cabbage What is the “Sober Plate?” How to visualize different types of food categories in a meal? How do the calories from plants differ from those of animals? How to Frame Deprivation in Weight Loss? A psychological vs. biological perspective What is Dan’s take on contemporary sugar? What are useful levels of complex carbs in the diet? A Give-Away of Dan Fenyvesi’s Book! And, The Weekly Nutrition Challenge! MENTIONED ON SHOW... BOOK GIVE-AWAY: “Food Sobriety” by Dan Fen