Mary's Nutrition Show

Optimal Men's Health: How to Talk to Men About Health with Dr. Myles Spar - 64



Men live shorter and are, in general, less healthy than women. Dr. Myles Spar tells us how to achieve optimal men's health, why men are not proactive when it comes to health and how to challenge men in your life to start implementing healthy habits. Plus: Win a free-food gift card! Why do women live longer than men? And why it’s not genetic What are the 5 healthy habits that make a 13-year difference in life expectancy? Why men are more prone to die from 9 out of 10 leading causes of death in the US. How to engage a man to start getting healthy? Why you should never begin a health conversation with the word "wellness." The best ways to get a man’s attention. How to incorporate health through something that a person really cares about? Goal-focused vs. complaint-focused mindset Implementation of basic health principles What is precision preventive medicine? Why accountability and progress tracking are crucial PLUS: The Weekly Challenge! THIS WEEK’S GIVE-AWAY: $60 Gift Card from Nona Lim / TO EN