Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English Without Grammar.

#144 Are you hooked on your cell phone? ESL



-I’m hooked on the Thunder Game series. -It’s Game of Thrones. -Ah, yes, that. The fire of Thrones. -Game. -Game of Thorns. Right? Hi, everybody! I am Georgiana, your English teacher and founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com. My mission is to help you speak English fluently. Have you ever wondered if you spend too many hours looking at your cell phone? Or maybe the computer. There is an expression in English that I quite like, called being hooked. It means to be excessively attracted to something and almost unable to resist it. For example: - I’m hooked on doing sports. - But I've never seen you exercise. - I have a lot of willpower, and I’m able to resist it. I have to admit that sometimes I spend too much time checking my cell phone. Sometimes it's almost impossible not to. My intentions are good. For example, I start watching the daily news and end up without knowing how, watching videos on Youtube. Maybe it's all a conspiracy of the whole Internet to distract me from doing the podcast episode of the week. E