Motivated To Marry Podcast With Amy Schoen

015 How to be More Loveable so You Can Find True Love Suzanne Muller-Heinz



Suzanne Muller-Heinz is the owner of Happy Living Forever and the master of being your most loveable self. She teaches singles how to gain the necessary dating and relationships skills to have a lasting relationship. As a International Dating & Love Life Coach and the author of "Loveable – 21 Practices for Being in a Loving & Fulfilling Relationship", and endorsed by John Gray PhD. 83% of her clients who have met with her coaching are still together and going strong. As a former serial-dater for 8 long years, she has experienced the best and the worst in the dating scene. She’s been stood-up, cheated on, broken up with over text message, dated online for many years, yelled at and more. You name it and this lady has been though it.