Motivated To Marry Podcast With Amy Schoen

022 Understanding Relationship Compatibility and Why this is Critical for Dating Eileen Head



Eileen Head is a Personality & Relationship Expert, International Bestselling Author of “Why Can’t I Figure Us Out?”, Coach, Speaker, and Workshop facilitator. Through her coaching and workshops, she supports people to "figure themselves out" to become their Best Self. Then she empowers them through powerful tools such as the Enneagram (any-a-gram) Personalities to find their Relationship Answers. Eileen is passionate about assisting others to find their relationship answers through recognizing the behaviors and patterns of the personalities. You will discover your natural talents, gifts and value, how to get your fundamental personality needs met and your relationship loving style. This information is crucial to respond to your partner’s loving style and when dating to attract a mate that will be compatible with you. When you specifically know how you feel loved and appreciated...and what you can then communicate it, and empower yourself to heal the past and find the path to your Purpose and P