Motivated To Marry Podcast With Amy Schoen

024 What's really stopping you from receiving love and being Motivated to Marry? Bobbi Palmer



Bobbi Palmer is an internationally recognized dating and relationship authority for women over 40 and founder of Date Like a Grownup. With her expert guidance, smart, independent woman from all over the world are now sharing the intimacy, passion and partnership of a grownup relationship with their special man. Fed up with being single and determined to succeed in her romantic life (like she had in the rest of her life), Bobbi finally figured out ‘the love thing’ and became a first time bride at age 47. Now joyfully married, she walks her talk every day as she helps women do what she did: add the joy of loving and being loved to their already good life. With Bobbi as your guide, you receive the compassion of a woman who has firsthand experience of how you feel being single at this time of life, along with the skill of a highly successful adult educator. As she says: “There is nothing wrong with you. There are just some things you don't yet know.” Bobbi has been featured on The Today Show, Huffington Post, NPR