Let's Talk Ios

338: Long time listener, second time caller



After an almost 6-year hiatus, iDB Senior Vice President of Wallpapers Jim Gresham returns to the show to talk to Cody and Sebastien about Apple's acquisition of Dark Sky, HomePod vs Sonos, and working from home in this strange period of our lives. Apple buys Dark Sky HomePod: Apple employees can now get HomePod for just $149 Imminent HomePod refresh? WFH: Duet Display Air  KZ-ZST IEMS Blue MIX-FI studio monitors Lofi beats playlist by ChilledCow  Pure Focus playlist Wallpapers of the week: 7 years this July! about 2,500+ walls Make sure to follow your hosts on Twitter: @SebastienPage, @Jim_Gresham, and @melvco. Send a tweet to @LTiOS_fm if you'd like your question to be answered at the end of next week's podcast. Be sure to share your thoughts, comments, and suggestions below. Talk to you next week!