Fast Cash With Bill Jennings

000: Changing the Funding Game with Bill Jennings



Want to start or grow your business but don’t have access to capital? Then this podcast is for you! Welcome to Fast Cash with your host Bill Jennings of Pathway Financial! Tune in to discover tips, tricks, and tactics to grow your business and get you the capital you need to get you where you want to be.   A few highlights from this quick overview episode include:- A fast overview of what this show is all about.- Who is this podcast for?- Some important topics we’ll be covering on this show like: fixing your credit, getting in the right position to get maximum funding, how to work with banks, and how to grow your business.- Sneak peek to the advice from industry experts who have gone through the same journey you are. Impactful Quotes: “It’s no secret that the number one reason that small business fail is to due lack of capital.” - Bill Jennings “Over the past 8 years, we’ve been providing funding to entrepreneurs across the country, to help them grow their business.” - Bill Jennings “I’m going to show you ho