Fast Cash With Bill Jennings

006: Getting Capital to Build Your Brand with Brandon T. Adams



Story: Want to build your brand by taking advantage of the video craze? Brandon T. Adams, a successful entrepreneur who is in T.V., film, and Facebook Live shows across the web, shares a few tips on how you can build your brand up with video content and so much more. People buy from people and you always have to be in front of your audience showing others what you do! He also reveals the expenses of creating video content and the benefits of having capital! It’s a no-brainer to be able to get funding and make your dreams a reality with zero percent interest! A few highlights from this interview include: - Brandon shares how he helps entrepreneurs build their brand.- Learning a skill through bootstrapping (and when it’s time to invest in yourself). - The value of sharing content throughout the world! - Cost to constantly film content. - What OPM (other people's money) means. - The benefits of having capital to start your business.