Level Up Your Business With Ryan S. Johnson

#12: PT. 2: Larry Goins - Productivity Secrets Revealed From A 30 Year Real Estate Investing Expert



In last week’s podcast I interviewed Larry Goins. Larry shared some of his productivity hacks based on 30 years of experience as a real estate investor, speaker, and educator. If you missed the 1st part of the interview, you can ​click here to check it out. In today's show I wrap up the second half of the interview. Larry is going to dish out even more actionable golden nuggets to help you level-up your productivity in your real estate business. Topics: 01:49 One key thing to help anyone become more productive 05:00 Larry's process he uses to know when to say "no" vs. when to say "yes" to opportunities 07:20  His advice for someone who is stuck in fear/indecisiveness and isn't taking action 09:30 The two most valuable benefits from working with a mentor 11:06 The concept behind BRAG - "Be Rich And Generous" Quotes: "Make sure you get educated. And, latch yourself onto somebody you know, like and trust who’s where you want to be and doing what you want to do." "Many people think that real estate is risky. Rea