Level Up Your Business With Ryan S. Johnson

#17: Danny Johnson - Sell More Houses By Making Marketing Your "Big Domino"



If you’re not marketing your business, then you don’t have a business.   ...Or, you won’t have one for in the long run.   Whether you have a real estate business, an Amazon business, or a lemonade stand - consistent marketing is the lifeblood of your company.   As real estate entrepreneurs, consistent marketing is what ensures we have a steady stream of prospective customers finding our services, and the properties we have for sell.   When you neglect marketing it’s inevitable that you’ll suffer from an inconsistent deal flow. And you’ll feel like you’re working from deal to deal - which makes you uncertain about your income and the stability of your business.   I did a previous show on how important it is to focus on one thing (or your big domino in your business), which if you topple it, everything else becomes easier. So in this post I interviewed Danny Johnson, the host of Flipping Junkie. Danny shared his insights and tips on how your real estate business can be more successful, and you can sell more hom