Level Up Your Business With Ryan S. Johnson

#19: Productivity Hacks for Busy Real Estate Entrepreneurs: Season 2 Recap



For the past few weeks we've been in Season 2 of the podcast, where our focus has been on Productivity Hacks for Busy Real Estate Entrepreneurs. So our shows have focused on showing you how to get more done, gain more time, and be more efficient.   Today's show marks the end of Season 2, so I think the perfect way to end this season is to recap and highlight some of the most valuable lessons, strategies and tips from this season that you can put into action to level up your business.   Topics: 01:09 Topic of today's episode 01:23 Recap: 20 life changing productivity tools to add more hours to your day  03:14 Recap: The secret to working on instead of in your business 03:54 Recap: Larry Goins - Productivity secrets revealed from a 30 year real estate investing expert 05:12 Recap: Mastering the art of delegation to 10x your productivity  06:00 Recap: Using standard operating procedures to make your business productive with predictable results 06:55 Recap: Brent Simpson - Focusing on your one thing is the key to