Get Motivated, Get Moving With Jordan Strauss

Why You Need to Set Big Goals



Where are you in your pursuit of an awesome life?  If you’re like most people, you’re probably not as awesome as you could be.  Part of the problem might not be your efforts. It might be, the level of your goals. I strongly believe that the level of our goals defines the level of our success.     While there is nothing wrong with pursuing small and achievable goals, they frame the kind of success you get. I challenge you to consider adding at least one massive goal to your to-do list.   My effort to win a basketball game is different in an Olympic setting versus my backyard. Massive goals are different for everyone, but they often feature three key characteristics:    Motivation-fueled: Massive goals should involve something that deeply interests you    Outside Your Comfort Zone: Massive goals should scare you a little bit  Personal: Massive goals are based on your interests  Why don’t more people pursue massive goals? Here’s my top 3 guesses:     Fear of the unknown  Lack of clarity  Lim