Get Motivated, Get Moving With Jordan Strauss

4 Ugly Truths About Change



  From time to time everyone decides to make canges in their lives. What they don’t talk about is the ugly truths that often go hand in hand with making life changes. It helps to have a healthy dose of reality and an overall awareness of the whole process. These are some things you should be prepared for: Change Takes Time Once you make the decision to change it will take time for the rest of the world to respond in turn. Don’t expect to get a standing ovation just because you decided to make a life change. You’ll see and feel the results of your changes long before anyone else does. Change Takes Work If you truly want to be different, you have to put in the work and make actual changes in your life. It won’t necessarily be easy, but anything worth doing rarely is. People Don’t Always Respond Positively When you make changes, pushback is normal. It often takes time for other people to accept the new version of you. It will happen, just give it time. Change Must Be Continuous Just because you’ve reache