Hsp Sos

HSP SOS #38 - Aging & The Highly Sensitive



No one escapes getting older, but how does aging impact HSPs differently than non-HSPs?  Michelle and The Captain share Dr. Elaine Aron's view on why highly sensitive persons are more in-tune with the aging process, as well as discuss their own perspectives on aging.     Resources:  "HSPs and The Accumulation of Birthdays" Dr. Elaine Aron http://www.hsperson.com/pages/2Nov07.htm   "3 Tips on Combating Ageism From and Anti-Aging Activist"  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-tarnoff/combating-ageism_b_6420470.html   ---Subscribe to the HSP SOS Podcast!--- iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/hsp-sos/id1221116848 Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Inavjhxeg2rdkub26frsppa7pca   ---Follow HSP S.O.S. on social media--- On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/hspsos On Twitter at: @hsp_sos   ---More episodes, articles, and resources!--- Website: http://hspsos.com/ Libsyn Podcast Page: http://hspsos.libsyn.com/   ---Contact Michelle Lynn with questions, comments, or show ideas!--- feel