
(R) #166 Racing across America with Adam Kimble



This episode was originally recorded in February of 2016.  In 2009, Adam Kimble ran his first 5k. In 2011 his first half, 2012 his first marathon, and 2014 his first ultra. Now, in 2016, he is attempting to become the fastest person to run across the USA. The time to beat is 46 days, 8 hours, 36 minutes, and to do it he will have to average 68 miles a day. On February 15th, he will leave Huntington Beach and head west to hopefully finish around March 30th in NYC. Follow Adam @thebeardedsole on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or his website. To express interest in MtnMeister's Summit for Someone climb to benefit Big City Mountaineers, fill out this form - Buy a MtnMeister t-shirt here -