
#195 GEAR GIVEAWAY at Outdoor Retailer Winter Market 2017



It's our semi-annual GEAR GIVEAWAY episode! Twice a year, we attend the Outdoor Retailer trade show in Salt Lake City to cover new products, technologies, and companies in the outdoors industry. If this is your first time listening to our gear giveaway episode, here’s how it works. In exchange for being featured on today’s episode, each company has agreed to give away free gear to our listeners. These are all real products that are either currently on the market or will be - they aren’t promotional. To win the free gear, all you have to do is email me at The first person who requests it, gets it. You can only win one prize, and after you win it, you cannot exchange it. Winners must be in the USA. 20 companies, $5,000+ in prizes, 30+ winners! For $5 off a MtnMeister t-shirt -