
#200 Trip Report: Summit for Someone on Grand Teton



This is MtnMeister's annual episode about Big City Mountaineers’ Summit for Someone program, where passionate climbers can ascend their dream peak and raise money for charity in the process. On these trips, I bring a portable recording device with me while I try to climb a mountain that’s outside of my comfort zone.    Summit for Someone is the fundraising arm of Big City Mountaineers. Similar to how marathon or cycling fundraisers work, hiking and climbing enthusiasts can take on a big physical challenge and raise money for an organization that aligns itself with the challenge. In this case, outdoors enthusiasts are raising money to give underserved urban youth the opportunity to discover the outdoors and learn critical life skills along the way.   This year was an especially exciting trip for MtnMeister. We invited invited listeners of the podcast to join the climb - all of them had to fundraise $4,000, physically train to climb the Grand, and be open to spending 4 days climbing with people they have never