
#212: Caroline Gleich | Onsight Equipment



Caroline Gleich is a professional ski mountaineer, endurance athlete, and environmental activist. This past fall, she climbed and skied Cho Oyu, the sixth highest mountain in the world. On today’s episode, we’ll talk about that adventure, where she faced a spell of high altitude pulmonary edema (hape) that threatened her chances at summitting. Later in our conversation, we’ll talk about the implicit and sometimes explicit bias that women face in adventure sports that are predominantly male.   In today’s Company Spotlight, we feature Onsight Equipment, an eco-friendly travel gear company based out of British Colombia. Onsight uses recycled materials to build travel storage solutions, including bicycle frame bags, messenger bags, and travel organizers. After my interview with their marketing and business development manager, Jens Ourom, I'll review some of the products with Roommate Max and Hannah Van Wetter. For 20%, use the code “mtnmeister25” at    Episode Sponsor: SAXX Unde