Better Together With Barb Roose

Making Connections with Millenials - Lauren Gaskill



What are you're missing out on if you aren't connected with any millennials?  It's become really easy for us to criticize the Millennial generation, those individuals born between 1981 and 1996 (according to Pew Research). How many times have you heard or maybe your referred to Millennials "entitled" or "they have a poor work ethic"? My Better Together guest today is the exact opposite of the common (and untrue) stereotypes attributed to today's Millennials. Lauren Gaskill is a speaker, author, podcaster and entrepreneur - and she's 25 years old. That's right! Seriously, what were you doing at 25? Best part is that Lauren has been my friend for a long time - I'm so excited that you get to meet her. Lauren emailed me years ago because she wanted to connect with women in ministry who were farther down the road in experience and faith. But, friends, I've learned so much from this brilliant young woman.  Her first book, Into the Deep, comes out in November 2018 (Abingdon Press). A long-time competitive swimmer, L