Better Together With Barb Roose

She Leads - Lisa Toney



"Don't burn bridges. Be graceful in all of your converations, especially when people say or do hurtful things." -Lisa Toney, speaker, author & leader On this week's Better Together podcast, we're talking about one of my favorite ways for us to get better together. On today's episode, we're talking leadership! Not only that, but our leadership inspiration is Lisa Toney, an executive and teaching pastor from Purpose Church in California. She's a seasoned leader who loves investing in both men and women, equipping them to lead at the highest levels of God's call on their lives. Lisa is the author of Thrive: Live Like You Matter and her new book, The Scripture Challenge releases this fall. Not only that, but Lisa is a new voice in the next generation of Women of Faith. Any Women of Faith fans out there? Me! For over 20 years, WOF events around the country mobilized hundreds of thousands of women and now, a generation of voices, including Lisa's are on deck to make a global impact. Lisa tells us all about WOF'