Better Together With Barb Roose

Learning how to REALLY rest - Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith



How many times a week do you say, "I'm so tired"? Here are some signs that you're might be exhausted. If you say "yes" to one or more of these, keep reading! Do you get sick often - like sinus infections or headaches? Is your mind so cluttered that you can't concentrate? Do you feeling like your floating around aimlessly or that your life doesn't have true purpose or calling? Do you feel too drained to be around people or you often feel people are judging you? Believe it or not, but these are the warning signs of rest deprivation. Too often, we think about rest as just getting a good night's sleep or watching hours of tv.    Rest is much more than that! But, if we don't figure out how to really rest, then we're going to end up living really messed up lives.     Let me introduce you to someone who can give you the help and hope that you need today! My Better Together guest is Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, an author, speaker, and board-certified internal medicine physician. She has an active medical practice in A