Better Together With Barb Roose

Intentional Motherhood - Susan Seay



When we are intentional moms, it assists us in becoming less-stressed moms.  When we bring our babies home from the hospital, our dream is to raise them in a happy and healthy home. But, from the time that we get pregnant or we announce plans to adopt, others begin giving us their opinions about what we should or shouldn't do. If we're not careful, other people's input will confuse us and add a lot of stress to our already busy lives. Today, I'm continuing my fun and freeing conversation with my friend, Susan Seay. If you listened to part one of our interview, the podcast ended with Susan saying that she hit the wall after the birth of her seventh child. "I became so burdened with my efforts to be a “good mom” and trying to do all the things a “good mom” should do. My list of “should’s” was so long I was ready to give up. In fact, I did give up. I announced it one night at dinner with a simple. I announced to my husband: “I’m done!” - Susan Seay, speaker and author During this episode, Susan shares about the