Better Together With Barb Roose

Pain-Free Family Devotional Time - Sarah M. Wells



How do we teach our kids about God when we don't know all of the answers?  How do we get our kids to participate in family devotions when they don't want to sit still?!!! Take a deep breath, Mom and Dad. God knows that you're doing the best that you can. When it comes to teaching our kids about Jesus, you don't need to know the answers and there are some fabulous resources to help you out! On today's Better Together podcast, I had the most delightful conversation with author, Sarah M. Wells. She's the author of the new resource The Family Bible Devotional: Stories from the Bible to Help Kids and Parents Engage and Love Scripture.   Mom or Dad, if you're reading this today and you're worried about messing up your kids' spiritual growth, relax. It's okay to not have all of the answers. You've got permission to say, "I don't know the answer to that, but let's keep reading and see what we can learn."  Sarah wrote the Family Bible Devotional as a faith-building experience to give parents confidence in helping the