Better Together With Barb Roose

Healing Father Wounds | Kia Stephens



Did you grow up with a father who was absent from your life? Have you felt the emptiness and ache that accompanies the absence of his love and involvement? On this week’s episode of Better Together, I’m talking with Kia Stephens about her story, her healing and her mission to help women deal with their father wounds. Kia is the found of the Father Swap Blog as well as Entrusted Women, an online community to encourage, equip and uplift writers, bloggers, speakers and authors who happen to be women of color. She a wife and homeschooling mom of two who is passionate about helping women know God as Father. For this reason, she created The Father Swap Blog to help women exchange their father wounds for the love of God the Father. During today’s podcast, Kia will talk about not only the definition of a "father wound", but she's explain how this kind of loss can wreck woman’s emotions and relationships with men if unaddressed. When a father isn't a part of a woman's life, that loss can have a painful and negative im