Better Together With Barb Roose

More for Mom | Interview with Kristin Funston



Are you a mom who is constantly giving? Giving your time, energy, and emotions to your kids, spouse, your job and your community?  This episode the Better Together podcast is for all the moms out there who feel like they are along in the jungle of managing kids, homes, unrealistic expectations and the pressure to be all things to all people. Motherhood is no joke - and it ain't for wimps! I remember going almost 13 years without a FULL NIGHT'S SLEEP. I was a zombie y'all. There were the times when I was so distracted that I forgot to send in a form...or forgot to pick up a kid after school. I beat myself up endlessly over the times when I lost my temper or I chose to run errands instead of sit down and read a book with my kids.   After all of the ups and downs of motherhood, do you want to know the best lesson that I've learned? It's actually something that I repeat to myself many days of the week - and I hope that you might do the same. Here it is: "Barb, be kind to yourself. You're doing the best that you c