Borne The Battle

#49: Forever GI Bill round table w/ TAPS, Got Your 6 & SVA



The wonderful people over at Got Your 6 emailed me one day asking if I wanted to do a round table podcast talking about the Forever GI Bill. I was in right away. The Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2017 AKA the Forever GI Bill works to improve education benefits for Veterans, their dependents, and their survivors. On the panel we have Ashlynne Haycock from TAPS, Lauren Augustine from Got Your 6, and William Hubbard from SVA. The three of them are going to tell me all about the development and execution of this bill. Covered in Episode 49: This week's social media events for Suicide Prevention Month Round table discussion with Ashlynne Haycock, Lauren Augustine, and Will Hubbard   Why the Forever GI Bill is valuable What it does for Veterans Each of their roles in getting it passed Their experience collaborating with Capitol Hill When and how the bill will be implemented Education Call Center #VeteranOfTheDay Air Force Veteran Beck H. Gee