Dreams Inspire Reality Podcast

Christine St. Vil: On not Putting your Dreams on Pause while Raising a Family



Welcome to the ninth episode of Dreams Inspire Reality. This week I interviewed the amazing Christine St. Vil.  Christine St.Vil is a wife, mother of three, speaker, writer, author and trainer. She is relentless about helping women, particularly moms, take charge of their lives by learning how to feel good without feeling guilty. Through her work with Moms ‘N Charge™, Purpose Driven Media™, LLC (PDM) was created to teach women, entrepreneurs how to successfully leverage social media and blogging to start and/or grow their business and brand, without compromising the relationships that matter most to them. Through her transformational book (Whose Shoes Are You Wearing? 12 Steps to Uncovering the Woman You Really Want to Be) live courses, workshops and consulting, PDM walks you through discovering and defining your life purpose, as well as making sure your business message aligns with your purpose. Christine is an instructor in the Steve Harvey Success Institute, & her work has been featured in numerous