Human Unleashed

27: Evolution Of The Heart With Bill & Patricia



Bill and Patricia of Evolution Of The Heart are guides and healers who are committed to helping others step into their hearts. In this episode, we talk about what causes the disconnect, and how to reconnect with your soul and heart on a deep level to heal and transform. You'll also experience a deep heart opening meditation in this episode so please don't listen to this episode and drive for safety purposes.   Bio: Together Bill & Patricia support you to build a foundation, providing tools for strength in the emotional and spiritual domain, yielding flow and freedom to be who you have come here to be. A life of awakening is not one in which we never fall into a dark valley, it is one in which when we fall, we have learned how to move through it. We develop emotional muscle in order to rise. This is the inner work of the soul. Bill & Patricia guide you to that which is unhealed, exposing how these hurts and emotions rule our lives. You are able to face yourself, learn to untangle from these