Human Unleashed

41: Conscious Counsel With Cory Sterling



Cory Sterling, the owner of Conscious Counsel, heart-leading law, joins us to talk about his experience of breaking the norm in his industry and shifting the way we approach business. Join us for an innovative conversation around all things business and purpose. Bio:  Cory Sterling is a corporate lawyer and the founder of Yoga Law and Conscious Counsel. His practices’ home base is in Vancouver, BC. Cory’s unique approach to serving and educating clients is unprecedented in the legal world and his outreach is international. Since the age of 17, Cory has traveled the world, lived on five continents and visited seventy countries. A true explorer: from his perspective, life must be enjoyed and this is communicated and experienced in every interaction with all clients. Note Worthy:  3:10 The Human Experience 5:12 Heart Leading Law 7:30 Courage To Step Into Alignment 9:22 The Space Of Illusion 12:00 His Biggest Challenge 13:30 Changing The Way People Experience Law 20:12 When You Need A Lawyer 22:22 Pre