Emotion At Work

Episode 35 - Emotion at Work in Digital Body Language



This episode tackles a current and complicated area of Digital Body language.  Digital communication, learning and interaction continue their upward trend and my guest this week is on the leading edge of that curve. The wonderful Jo Cook  and I take this podcast down a particular route for digital body language.  We focus on the interactional aspects and we explore how we can use and harness the power and opportunities technology offers us to actively consider if not read others' Digital Body Language.  We are aware enough that it is not all sunshine and rainbows and so we get into the challenges and strategies to overcome them too.   As always, here are your references:   Steve Woods digital body language blog (mentioned around 9 minutes) http://digitalbodylanguage.blogspot.com   Jo’s Digital Body Language blog with research links (mentioned around 10 minutes): https://lightbulbmoment.info/2018/04/04/what-is-digital-body-language/   The Good Practice Podcast Jo appeared on as a guest (mentioned around 11