Emotion At Work

Episode 40 - Emotion at Work in overlooked parts of conversation (AKA Non-lexical Vocalisations)



My guest for this podcast is Dr. Emily Hofstetter and we get into geeky (as is often the case with me) detail about linguistics, conservation analysis and what Emily calls 'non lexical vocialisations'.  A more everyday term would be the non-word noises that feature in interaction.  We talk about how her (and others) research can be really helpful for us to look at talk and conversation in the workplace.     Your references (as always)   around 6 minutes - https://www.streetwisdom.org/   around 12 minutes - Harvey Sacks was mentioned and this is a 1978 paper on turn-taking with Emanuel Schegloff and Gail Jefferson  https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_2376846_3/component/file_2376845/content   around 13 minutes - Non Lexical Vocialisation  https://nonlexicalvocalizations.com/   around 16 minutes - we talk about turn-taking and here is a nice summary of this phenomenon from Stephen Levinson https://pure.mpg.de/rest/items/item_2193297/component/file_2240007/content   around 21 minutes - I ask Emily for a working