Emotion At Work

Episode 45 - Emotion at Work in Emotion Expression



Fair warning for you fair listener, this podcast includes mention of pineapple on Pizza, sorry!!   I found the guest for this podcast when I was reading one of his papers and I LOVED it. The link will follow in the show notes.  We open up with the standard unexpected and innocuous question and that takes us into the pineapple incident and then we get into the podcast proper. Arik discusses three characteristics that impact and affect the appropriateness of emotion expression (and associated social outcomes for the displayer), they are:   Characteristics of the displayer - e.g. Gender   Characteristics of the display - e.g. Intensity of the emotion  Characteristics of the context - e.g. the setting (virtual vs face to face/physical)   He also goes on to discuss the idea of emotion (in)authenticity too which I found fascinating. I also (maybe cheekily) make some suggestions about how his model may be enhanced by looking at some socio-linguistics elements too.     For me, the social aspects of emotional expressi